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This manual applies to the Rugby 820/830 lasers. Differences be tween the models are marked and described. Available documentation Refer to the following resources for all Rugby 820/830 documentation/ software: • the Leica Rugby CD • it is convenient for you, 24 hours a day, 7 da ys per week.
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J.K. She, J. Jiang, On the speed of response of an FPGA-based shutdown system in CANDU nuclear power plants. Nucl. Eng. Des. 241, 2280–2287 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.03.050CrossRefGoogle Scholar
J.J. Lua, T.C. Hsub, H.P. Choua, System assessment of an FPGA-based RPS for ABWR nuclear power plant. Prog. Nucl. Energy 85, 44–55 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2015.05.010CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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Free GNU/Linux distributions
This page is maintained by the Free Software Foundation's Licensing and Compliance Lab. You can support our efforts by making a donation to the FSF. Have a question not answered here? Check out some of our other licensing resources or contact the Compliance Lab at licensing@fsf.org.
Table of Contents
The FreeSoftware Foundation is not responsible for other websites, or howup-to-date their information is.
This page lists the GNU/Linuxdistributions that areentirely free as in freedom.Non-GNU-basedfree system distributions are listed separately.
The Free Software Foundation recommends and endorses these GNU/Linuxdistros, although we do not try to judge or compare them based on anycriterion other than freedom; therefore, we list them in alphabeticalorder.
These distros are ready-to-use full systems whose developers have madea commitment to follow the Guidelinesfor Free System Distributions. This means they willinclude, and propose, exclusively free software. They will rejectnonfree applications, nonfree programming platforms, nonfree drivers,nonfree firmware “blobs”, nonfree games, and any othernonfree software, as well as nonfree manuals or documentation.
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If one of these distros ever does include or propose anything nonfree,that must have happened by mistake, and the developers are committed toremoving it. If you find nonfree software or documentation in one ofthese distributions, you canreport the problem, and earn GNU Bucks, while we inform the developers so they can fix the problem.
Fixing freedom bugs is an ethical requirement for listing a distrohere; therefore, we list only distros with a development team that hastold us it will remove any nonfree software that might be found inthem. Usually the team consists of volunteers, and they don't makelegally binding commitments to users; but if we find out a distro isnot properly maintained, we will de-list it.
We hope the other existing GNU/Linux distributions will becomeentirely free software so that we can list them here. If you wish toimprove the state of free distros, helping to develop an existing freedistro contributes more than starting a new one.
Please note that not all hardware works in the free world; eachdistro's site should say which hardware it supports. We suggest that,after reading the short descriptions below, you consult these sites aswell as other available information, to judge which distro is mostconvenient for you.
GNU/Linux distros for PCs andworkstations
The distributions that follow are installable to a computer's harddrive and/or can be run live.
Distribution | Brief Description |
Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre, an independent GNU/Linux distribution based on concepts of simplicity. | |
Dyne:bolic, a GNU/Linux distribution with special emphasis on audio and video editing. This is a “static” distro, normally run from a live CD. Since it will not receive security updates, it should be used offline. | |
gNewSense, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian, with sponsorship from the FSF. | |
Guix System, an advanced GNU/Linux distro built on top of GNU Guix (pronounced “geeks”), a purely functional package manager for the GNU system. | |
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre, a long-term support simplicity-focused distribution based on Arch GNU/Linux. | |
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, a distribution based on Arch that prioritizes simple package and system management. | |
PureOS, a GNU distribution based on Debian with a focus on privacy, security, and convenience. | |
Trisquel, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that's oriented toward small enterprises, domestic users and educational centers. | |
Ututo S, a GNU/Linux 100% free distribution. It was the first fully free GNU/Linux system recognized by the GNU Project. |
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Small GNU/Linux distros
Below is a list of small system distributions. These distributions are meant for devices with limited resources, like a wireless router for example. A free small system distribution is not self-hosting, but it must be developable and buildable on top of one of the free complete systems listed above, perhaps with the aid of free tools distributed alongside the small system distribution itself.
Distribution | Brief Description |
libreCMC is an embedded GNU/Linux distro for devices with very limited resources. While primarily targeting routers, it offers support for a wide range of devices and use cases. In 2015, LibreWRT merged with libreCMC. | |
ProteanOS is a new, small, and fast distribution for embedded devices. Its platform configuration feature allows binary packages to be configured at build-time and run-time for different hardware and use cases. |
Download Manual Trisco Da-830 Software Reviews
How to get free GNU/Linux distros
In addition to their own sites, many of these distributions areavailable from mirror.fsf.org.Feel free to download or mirror the distributions from there,preferably using rsync. Free distribution maintainers can request amirror for their project by mailing the FSF sysadmins.
Individual GNUpackages (most of which are included in the free distributions here) are described separately.
We list companies that sell hardwarepreinstalled with a free GNU/Linux distribution separately.
See something we missed?
Do you know about a distribution that you expected to find on ourlist, but didn't? First, check our pageabout why we don't endorse somecommon distributions. That page explains the reasons why severalwell-known distributions don'tmeet ourguidelines. If the distribution isn't listed there either, andyou think it qualifies for a listing under our guidelines, then pleaselet the distribution's maintainers know about this page and encouragethem to get in touch—we'd like to hear from them.
If you maintain a distribution that follows the Free SystemDistribution Guidelines and would like to be listed here, pleasewrite to <webmasters@gnu.org> withan introduction and a link to the project Web site. When you do,we'll explain more about our evaluation process to you, and getstarted on it quickly. We look forward to hearing from you!
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The distributions that follow were previously listed above, but are nolonger recommended.
Distribution | Brief Description | Retirement Info |
BLAG Linux and GNU, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Fedora. | Removed June 2018. Removed at the request of the maintainers, as they had stopped maintaining it. | |
Musix, a GNU+Linux distribution based on Knoppix, with special emphasis on audio production. This is a “static” distro, normally run from a live CD. Since it will not receive security updates, it should be used offline. | Removed March 2019. Removed at the request of the maintainer, as they had stopped maintaining it. |